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Want to be a mentee?

Start building your social capital by signing up today.

What is a mentee?

A mentee is an individual that is talented in their respective industry but requires connections and social capital to progress in their industry. A mentee can be seeking a job, skill refinement, or more extensive professional circles.

Why RISE50?

RISE50 offers the unique opportunity to build social capital and enhance their career in the Charlotte area. Through RISE50, the mentee can work with a qualified and knowledgeable individual. Thus, the mentee will explore new connections and find opportunities that fit them perfectly. Once the mentee has a network of connections, their opportunities are endless.

What are the steps?

Once you sign up, you will be directed to a database where you can view mentors based on their industry. There, you can see their past experience, how many hours they can commit monthly to mentoring, and other useful information. On that page, you will also find information about how to communicate with your mentor.

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